The Dogs of Haiti

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Haitian recycled art

Haiti has, of course, some of the most remarkable art in the world.
These images are of the folk art of wall sculptures using recycled oil drums.


Other Animals
The farm animals appeared to be in better health than the dogs.
Most farm animals are considered to be quite valuable - they are kept almost like a "bank account",
and are sold when the need for cash arises.

The goats who were left to wander and graze looked, indeed, quite healthy - but goats are incredible survivors. The sheep appeared less thrifty. It was interesting that the sheeps' tails were not docked.

The farm animals roam about the streets; I saw several goats and a pig hanging out at a filling station. Presumably there are no city ordinances against farm animals. Certainly, one hears roosters at all hours.

Donkeys grazing

Goat tied out


Goat tied


Sheep wandering


Mama pig and piglets
wandering the streets

"Patience" the pig. Apparently a much loved pet.

Large pigs sleeping

Mama pig and piglets
wandering the streets

Yagui - one of the few "owned" dogs I met


Interesting Features of Daily Life

Haitian daily life has many differences from what most Americans are used to. I found them all fascinating.

The holes in the sidewalks. This is an old sewer lane in Petionville; however, throughout Port au Prince there are both small and man-sized holes that, for the non-surefooted, could be fatal. Especially at night when there is no electricity.

Andre the flower seller - he comes to your door on Saturday mornings.

They sell everything imaginable on the streets. I bought a few Kreyol grammar books from this book seller.

Entrance to the local bank. We had to be frisked and sign in with photo ID to enter the bank.

Please leave your guns outside the bank.

Gingerbread architecture at the famous Oloffson hotel (ref Graham Greene's The Comedians)

November is the season of Gedeh - the Loa (god) of Death.

The Oloffson hotel is a gathering place for foreign journalists and other interesting peoplel

Satellite above a busy street market area

Old house - this style is quite prevalent throughout Port au Prince.

Life on the rooftops

Advertisements adorn the streets inviting people to concerts, dances, and theatre.


Inspirational Signs

You cannot go anywhere in Port au Prince without being inspired... if you can read, that is.
The illiteracy rate in Haiti is unfortunately very high.

"Members of the private sector: unite, get involved for the good of the country."

"Haiti extends its arms and cries "pity"."

"Justice, peace, work, production, development"

Abstinence, faithfulness, or just a good condom!


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